Scapegoat – on Steven Soderbergh’s “Out of Sight” (1998)
The most famous scene.
This film seems.. good not great? But that’s coming from someone who actually can’t stand Ocean’s 11, so do with that what you will.
I like many of Soderbergh’s films, but I also find it hard not to blame him for the whole raft of Ocean’s 11 copycats — American Hustle, Now You See Me — and even the comedy/action popcorn stylings of ensemble franchises like The Avengers, that have come to dominate the box office in the 21st century. I don’t really like that side of what cinema has turned into, at least in part as an result of the success of Ocean’s 11.
And so I can never truly absolve Out Of Sight, for its role as enabler for Soderbergh and Clooney to move on to greenlight *that* film. And I can still acknowledge that Out Of Sight, on its own merits, is a pretty well-made ensemble action/comedy with really good acting performances all around.
3/5 stars.